Stop being a by-stander when you notice gender-based violence in your childrens’ school or surrounding community.
The active involvement of parents is essential for the acceptance of members of the LGBTI Young people at school. Parents are often role models and their views on Young LGBTI are extremely important to positively change and reinforcement of the key gender equality messages.
We work with children as young as ten. For you as a parents, this holds great potential for changing behaviours and attitudes at an early age. Working with parents whose children experience gender-based violence will foster family-wide prevention education and enable children to gain support from peers, teachers and family members.
As a parent you will benefit from the GEM programme in in the following ways:
- Recognition of and insight into Gender Equality issues in your family and your child’s school and surroundings;
- Awareness-raising about gender and sexuality-based violence and its prevention;
- Providing skills to parents in supporting their children if they are the bystander, victim or perpetrator of gender-based violence situations, and in tackling the problem in families;
We invite all parents to help in enhancing of school cultures and to become a greater force for upholding children’s rights in their families, children’s school and wider communities.
Become part of the GEM community by contacting national co-ordinators. See contact details of the members and partners on the respecive pages in this website. We also invite you as a partent to be actively involved on our social media platforms.